Program for 2021 IEEE URUCON
SPECIAL SESSION: "Accelerating Cities' Digital Transformation through standards"
SPECIAL SESSION: "Our Planet's Sustainability Crisis in 2021"
SPECIAL SESSION: "Disciplined Agile Strategies" (Traducción simultanea)
TUTORIAL: " Zero touch management and orchestration of network slices in 5G and beyond networks" (Traducción simultanea)
SPECIAL SESSION: "Bionic limbs and neurorehabilitation of pain"
KEYNOTE: " Vehículos Autónomos para el Agro"
LUNCH PAUSE day 1 - NOV 24 Wednesday
SPECIAL SESSION: " Battery Storage Technologies & Their Potential Applications in the Power Systems" (traducción simultanea)
SPECIAL SESSION: "How to create a Holistic Strategy to IA?"
TUTORIAL: "Despacho óptimo de energía con asimilación de pronósticos"
SPECIAL SESSION: "The Lungpacer approach to rescue critically ill patients from mechanical ventilation"
SPECIAL SESSION: "Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing: Challenges and Opportunities" (Traducción simultanea)
SPECIAL SESSION: "5G RF safety concerns and the new IEEE C95.1-2019 safety standard." (Traducción simultanea)
Official Opening of URUCON 2021
Uruguay KEYNOTE: "Math science and Technology for pandemic response"
ORAL SESSION: PES I - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Optimal Operation for the IEEE 33 Bus Benchmark Test System With Energy Storage
- Power Flow and Fault Analysis Using Graph Theory
- Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Power Flow Algorithms in Power Distribution Networks
- Constructive Heuristic Algorithm in Multi-Start Structure Applied in Distribution Systems Expansion Planning
ORAL SESSION: CAS I - Circuits & Systems
- Total Irradiated Dose Measurement Using N-MOST Based Oscillator
- Arturo System: A Miracle From 1996 to 2021 for Electronic Support Warfare in Ecuadorian Army
- An Area and Power-Efficient Cubic Array Multiplier Exploring Parallel Prefix Adders
- A Novel Asynchronous Pipeline Architecture With Less-Registers Using NULL Convention Logic
ORAL SESSION: COMM I / BTS: Communication Systems & Broadcasting
- On the Energy Efficiency of One-Layer SISO Rate-Splitting Multiple Access
- Evaluating the Licklider Transmission Protocol Using Software-Defined Radio
- Indoor Localization Using Graph Neural Networks
- Mathematical Expression of the Bit Error Ratio in Terms of the SNR and Laser Linewidths in Digital Coherent Optical Communication Systems
ORAL SESSION: PES II - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Hybrid Microgrid Based on Solid State Transformer
- Development of a Relational Database Oriented on the Common Information Model for Power Distribution Networks
- Optimal PQ Monitor Allocation for Voltage Sags Indices Calculation
- Measurement Systems for High Voltage Transients in Power Networks
ORAL SESSION: CAS II - Circuits & Systems
- Continuation Power Flow: A Parameterization Technique and Adaptive Step Size Control
- Material Characterization for Using in Low Cost Printed Electronics
- Methodology for the Creation of More Realistic Scenarios of Rooftop PVs Allocation in Monte Carlo Studies
- Low-Level Algorithm for a Software-Emulated I2C I/O Module in General Purpose RISC-V Based Microcontrollers
ORAL SESSION: COMM II / BTS: Communication Systems & Broadcasting
- On the SE and EE in Massive MIMO and NOMA
- Half-Wave Dipole Antenna Design Comparison of 60, 67 y 74 GHz Frequencies
- Exploring Performance of a Spread Spectrum-Based Audio Watermarking System Using Convolutional Coding
- An Integer Linear Programming Approach for Phasor Measurement Unit Placement
ORAL SESSION: PES III - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Comparative Analysis of the Daily Operation in a Small Grid-Connected PV-Storage System Focusing on Maximizing Self-Consumption
- Pump as Turbine for Grid Flexibility in Uruguay, Optimal Scale & Performance Prediction
- Comparative Analysis of Wind and Solar Micro-Generation for an off Grid System in the City of Cuenca-Ecuador
- Levelized Cost of Storage for Lithium Batteries, Considering Degradation and Residual Value
- Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Network-Cuckoo Search for Irradiance and Load Forecasting
ORAL SESSION: CAS III - Circuits & Systems
- Simulación y Análisis de Fallas Eléctricas En Una Microrred Aislada Con Integración de Generación Fotovoltaica y Almacenamiento En Baterías
- A Bulk Bias 1V 5GHz Low Power LC VCO With Transconductance Stabilization
- Smart Platform for Active Electrical Materials - A Dimmer for LED Lighting
- Modeling and Prototyping of a Microfluidic Device for DNA Amplification
ORAL SESSION: COMM III / BTS: Communication Systems & Broadcasting
- A CPW Fed Metasurface Multi Band Antenna With Aperture Coupling
- A Preliminary Study on Quality of Experience Assessment of Compressed Audio File Format
- Massive MIMO Demodulation Aided by NN
- Design and Development of a Low-Cost Wireless Network Using IoT Technologies for a Mudslides Monitoring System
- Using Open-Source Software QucsStudio to Design a Microwave Amplifier for SDR Applications
SPECIAL SESSION: "Aumento de la Generación de Energía Renovable en Paraguay"
Recognition: "HACKATON BIG BANG 2021 - Eficiencia Energética, UTE-UTEC"
SPECIAL SESSION: "La infraestructura de Internet que da soporte al tráfico de los usuarios: IXPs + CDNs"
LUNCH PAUSE day 2- NOV 25 Thursday
ORAL SESSION: PES IV - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Satellite-Based Operational Solar Irradiance Forecast for Uruguay's Solar Power Plants
- Wind Farms End of Life Strategies - Uruguay's Future Challenge
- A Review of Operating Reserves in Power Systems With High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
- Comparison of Ride-Through Characteristics in Aggregate and Detailed Models of DERs
ORAL SESSION: CAS IV - Circuits & Systems
- An Accurate and Flexible Pneumatic Generator for NNS Stimulation Tests
- An Empirical Energy Consumption Analysis in a Cattle Geolocation Device
- SEE Detection and Mitigation Strategy for GNSS Coprocessor IP-Core
- Self-Checkout System Prototype for Point-Of-Sale Using Image Recognition With Deep Neural Networks
ORAL SESSION: BIO I - Biomedical Engineering
- Linear Correlation Between the Fractal Dimension of Surface EMG Signals and the Peak Power of Vertical Jumps
- Design of Biomedical Soft Robotic Device for Lower Limbs Mechanical Muscle Rehabilitation and Biochemical Monitoring Under Reduced-Gravity Space Environment
- 3D Reconstruction of Damage Caused by a Stroke Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Processing
- Characterization and Classification Algorithm for Mammography Images by Means of the BIRADS Assessment Categories
ORAL SESSION: PES V - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Optimal Location of an SVC in a Microgrid to Improve the Dynamic Voltage Stability
- Partial Implementation of the Folded Line Equivalent Transmission Line Model in the ATP Version of the Electromagnetic Transients Program
- Using a SMIB Model to Analyse and Damp the Electromechanical Modes in Multigenerator Plants
- Response to the Intermediate Source Effect and Mutual Coupling of the Distance Relay With CMC 356 Test Set
ORAL SESSION: CAS V - Circuits & Systems
- Human Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques in a Low-Resource Embedded System
- Energy Measurement Laboratory for Heterogeneous Hardware Evaluation
- Low Cost Embedded Iot System to Record Meteorological, and Inertial Data in Remote Places
- Assistive Technology: A Multimodal Interface to Control PC Mouse Pointer and Click
ORAL SESSION: BIO II - Biomedical Engineering
- Lower Limb Muscles Modeling With Logical Gates for Gait Analysis Instruction
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support High Fidelity Simulator: Review and Feasibility Analysis
- Towards the Detection of Intraintestinal Gas by Microwave Reflectometry in Critical Patients
- Telecommunications and Electronic Systems Analysis of T-EVA to Enhance the Body Temperature Monitoring During Extravehicular Activities on Mars Analog
ROUND TABLE: ¿Qué tan renovable será el mercado eléctrico en Latino América en 2040?
Closing words day 2
ORAL SESSION: PES VI - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- An Ultra Stable Zener Voltage Standard - Fifteen Years of Surveillance
- Dissolved Gas Analysis, Recent Changes in Standards. Application to Wind Farm Collector Transformers
- Substation Monitoring Systems for Asset Management, Development and Analysis of Results
- Gestión de La Recarga de Vehículos Eléctricos y Su Impacto Sobre La Red de Distribución
- Quantum Circuit Design Using Neural Networks Assisted by Entanglement
- Failure Prediction in Automatic Reclosers Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Placement of CPU-Intensive Virtual Machines in High Resource Utilization Cloud Datacenters. an Economical Revenue Maximization Analysis
- A Range Proof Scheme Analysis for the Mimblewimble Cryptocurrency Protocol
ORAL SESSION: CS I - Control Systems
- Modeling and Control of a Furuta Pendulum
- Longitudinal Control of an Autonomous Truck With Unobserved Gears
- Architecture and Design Considerations for an Autonomous Mobile Robo
- Automatic Generation Control Analysis of the Uruguayan Power System
ORAL SESSION: PES VII - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Probabilistic Modeling for the Uruguayan Electrical Load: Present Capacity and Current Improvements
- Generation Investment Planning and Risk Management in BANI Context
- Impact of Electromobility Deployment Scenarios in the Power System of Uruguay by 2028
- Teaching a Robot the Optimal Operation of an Electrical Energy System With High Integration of Renewable Energies
- Applying Bayesian Networks to Help Physicians Diagnose Respiratory Diseases in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Predicting Wireless RSSI Using Machine Learning on Graphs
- Large-Scale IoT Network Offloading to Cloud and Fog Computing: A Fluid Limit Model
- Evaluation of Color Transfer Algorithm in IR Images Nocturnal Scenes
ORAL SESSION: CS II - Control Systems
- Distributed Control of the Sewage System
- Formation Control for Thermal Multi-Agent Systems
- A Dynamic Equivalent Model for Testing the Paraguayan-Argentinean Interconnected Power System Devices Using Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation
- Multivariable Control Structure Selection for Active Distribution Networks
ORAL SESSION: PES VIII - Power and Energy / Inst & Measurements
- Dynamic Pricing for Electric Fleet Vehicle Recharge at Semi-Fast Charging Stations
- Baterías En Vehículos Eléctricos Conectados a La Red
- The Challenge of Electric Mobility in Paraguay: Development, Regulations and Incentives
- A Simple Levelized Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles in Uruguay
- A Process Mining-Based Approach for Attacker Profiling
- Study of the Impacts of Inserting Distributed Photovoltaic Generators in the Protection of Energy Distribution Systems
- Determination of the Optimal Distribution for Loading Cargo Vehicles Using the IBM Qiskit VQE Algorithm
- Towards a Massively-Parallel Version of the SimSEE
ORAL SESSION: CS III - Control Systems
- Rejection of Disturbances Due to Drag and Lift Forces Present in the Taking off of SUAVI-Type UAV
- Why and How to Construct a Device for Hail Simulation
- Adaptación de Sensores Inferenciales: Análisis Mediante Cartas de Control Para El Ajuste del Bias
- A Drawing Robot Pipeline With Artist-Inspired Execution
- Gradient-Based Algorithm for the Distinction of Fault and Inrush Currents in Low Power Transformers
SPECIAL SESSION: "Potencial de exportación de Energías Renovables de Chile y Latinoamérica"
LUNCH PAUSE day 3 - NOV 26 Friday
ORAL SESSION: PES IX - EDU I - Education / Power and Energy
- Analysis of Lightning Protection Models for Wind Turbine Blades
- A New Simplified Method for Soil Modeling in Two Horizontal Layers
- Revisiting No-Load Parameters in Steady-State Equivalent Circuits for Distribution Transformers
- Software Engineering Project-Based Learning in an Up-To-Date Technological Context
ORAL SESSION: COMP TEMS I - Computer / Technology Management
- Performance Analysis of Wi-Fi Networks Based on IEEE 802.11ax and the Coexistence With Legacy IEEE 802.11n Standard
- Marco Para La Implementación de Microrredes Coordinadas Con Blockchain En Uruguay
- Mixture Density Networks Per Hour-Month Applied to Wind Power Generation Forecast
- Blockchain and IoT- Challenges and Its Role in Security: A Brief Overview
ORAL SESSION: SP I - Signal Processing
- Fingerprint Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform and Ensemble Subspace Classifier
- Ensemble of Machine Learning Models for an Improved Facial Emotion Recognition
- Digital Prototyping of a Microprocessor Controlled Active Knee Prosthesis
- Developing Cooperative Learning and TV-Like Quizzes to Improve Students' Motivation in Higher Education
- The Teaching of Antenna´s Course During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Training Methodology for Applied Research in the Graduation Mentoring Process of Engineering Students
- Improving the Serious Game Design Using Game Learning Analytics and Eye-Tracking HCI: A Pilot Study
ORAL SESSION: COMP TEMS II - Computer / Technology Management
- A Collaborative Design Tool to Support Learning Environments During Emergent Remote Learning
- Design and Implementation of Digital Platform for e-Government
- Implementation of a High-Performance Portable Real-Time Dehazing System Using the DCP Algorithm
- On the Compliance of Blockchain Technology With Data Protection Regulations
ORAL SESSION: SP II - Signal Processing
- Model Order Selection for Sum of Complex Exponentials
- A Wearable, Cloud-Based System to Enable Alzheimer's Disease Analysis, Diagnosis, and Progression Monitoring
- Tomato Segmentation on Natural Background Using Multi Operation of Edge Detection and Reconstruction
- Resource Optimization of the Eulerian Video Magnification Algorithm Towards an Embedded Architecture
Uruguay KEYNOTE: "Plan Ceibal: Enhancing learning outcomes at low-income schools through technology"
Closing words URUCON 2021
Program last updated on Sep 8, 2024